
Excelente juego de aventuras point & click de Smoking Gun Productions, basado en la vida y obra de Franz Kafka: no sabes quién eres, unos policías te comunican que debes presentarte ante el Magistrado asistido de Abogado, la pesadilla acaba de comenzar ... solución.
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"Kafkamesto" Walkthrough:
In the first room take the letters from the night stand, the money from the closet the knife from the desk and the time card (the paper with the dots on it) in the drawer in the desk (its under the papers), and the bottle from under the bed. Look out the window. Click on the guys looking at you. There will be a knock on the door, open it and talk to the guys. (They said you have committed a crime and should go to the Magistrate. I havent been able to figure out what they are talking about). Leave room talk to whomever. go downstairs. put hanging phone back on hook, it will ring. pick it up... its your office telling you to go to work ASAP. before you leave the building go right towards the mailboxes and talk to the chick from apt 6. After she leaves go to her mailbox and take out the letter that is in there. Its addressed to Joseph but its for apt 9 which is your apt. Click on the upper right corner of letter and read it. Drop it after you read it cause you dont need it anymore. ( im guessing) now put the letters you got from your drawer in her mailbox and close it. You could have figured that out for yourself though.
leave. Outside you will find those guys again. talk to them again.. they will just remind you to go to the Magistrate and you tell yourself to find the Advocate. Go to the Castle. Its not hard to find. Once there the guard prohibits you to pass and tells you seek admittance to the law. (** very important*** The first time I tried to Bribe him with the money and he just took it and still didnt let me in. If you do this you will lose your money and will have to start from the beginning. This goes for anything else you try to give anyone else that you are not supposed to give. So becareful who you give what to or else its back to the beginning cause you will be stuck. THATS THE ONLY THING THAT THOUGHTLESS ABOUT THIS GAME) Back to game.....
Go to your job. Look around for it... its a brown building on the right side of some street. Its the one with the big lobby. Ill leave that up to you to find. once in the lobby click on the time clock and use the time card. after you insert it you will be able to go into the middle double doors. from the balconys veiw, you will have to find your desk. (good luck, its there somewhere) Once at your desk read your journal... Its not that long. Take the appointment card towards the end of the journal. close journal. Take the yellow envolope. Now try to open the drawer on the right side. Its stuck. You need something to unjam it (Ill let you figure that part out. Not very hard to figure out ) after you open Take the ticket. Now open the left Drawer. Look through the folder. one section has some post cards and the other has some papers, one if which is your workers comp application. ( I left it because I dont know yet where to use it.) leave your work. Find the doctors office. (Again Ill leave the searching to you.... its pretty tough to find but you will eventually). talk to the receptionist and give her your appointment card. Go see your doctor. He will ask you for your Xrays.... Give him the yellow envolope and then he will give you a prescription. (Take it and leave Fast before he decides to cut you open or something... Scary place). Now you need to find the pharmacy. Give the Prescription to the Pharmasist and he will tell you that there have no more bottles to fill your order. Give him the bottle you took from the room. Take your pills. (havent figured out how to comsume them yet, if anyone does.... let us know ) Before you leave the pharmacy take the Help wanted notice posted on the wall on the left. (you can use it later). Leave. Now you have to find the Factory if you havent yet. Once there click on the door in the background in the right. Take a peek through the keyhole. The boss is harrassing your girl! You get upset and he hears you and blocks your veiw. Leave to door and go to the left... Melina will be there. Talk to her. She is miserable and wants to leave that place. Give her the Help wanted notice and be amazed at her reply. Leave. Now lets go to find the Advocate. He is near the doctors office. Ring the bell when the girl comes she will say that the Advocate is busy and seeing him doesnt come cheap. Give her the money from your closet. She will now let you in. MONEY TALKS!!! Go in and see the fat blob. Talk to him... he will ask you if you have read any new books lately. (Im stuck here. someone previously posted that they had a book and gave it to him but he already read it. but I havent had any luck finding any books myself) You cant really do anything else here. Leave. Go back to your room and take the Mug from the back Bureau. Then take the small key on the window sill. (Its small but its there)
Now go to the trainstation (its near the Factory)........ Once there approach the window. The ticket guy will tell you that the train is about to leave and is out of tickets and slams the window shut in your face. Try to go through the turnstyle the guard will not allow you. Giving him the ticket you got from your desk at work wont work......
Good Luck..... this is as far as I have been able to get.... dont know what the key is for yet and I dont know where to get books from...... Now that I have written this walkthrough I can get back to the game...... :D
para guardar los objetos se necesita un MALETIN, cogelo del lateral izquierdo del escritorio
no tengo tiempo para elaborar una guia, quizás tu sí, anímate
el juego tiene diferentes finales, estos son algunos de ellos:
1. coge la taza, dirigete a la fabrica y enseñasela a milena, entra y click en la puerta
2. dirigete al cementerio, click en la tumba y click en el hoyo
3. coge la medicina debajo de la cama y la ficha del trabajo del cajon del escritorio, dirigete a tu oficina, usa la ficha, dirigete a tu mesa y busca el sobre amarillo y la tarjeta del doctor, dirigete a la enfermera dale la tarjeta, en la consulta dale el sobre amarillo al doctor y te dara una receta, dale la receta al farmaceutico y te dara una botella, bebe y dirigete a tu habitacion, coge el cuchillo y regresa a la oficina, usa el cuchillo en el mueble y coge el billete de tren, dirigete a la estacion, dale el billete al revisor