The Last Half of Darkness


The Last Half of Darkness

Nueva aventura point 'n' click de terror. Ármate de valor para recoger los objetos que te permitan descubrir los terribles sucesos acaecidos en esta vieja mansión.

NOTA: El juego online ha sido retirado por su autor, William R. Fisher, sin embargo el enlace sigue siendo válido para descargar una Demo del juego (80 Mb).

1 comentarios:

Anónimo,  19 julio, 2007  

"The Last Half of Darkness" Walkthrough:

1. Examine note on table (red entrance hall) then take the KEY at the bottom of letter.
2. Go upstairs and enter the stairway leading to attic. Take
the DOLL in the attic.
3. Go back downstairs and enter the dining room. There is a
doorway on the left leading outside - go through it.
4. Go through courtyard and enter hall with locked gate.
OPERATE KEY on locked door. [Click on KEY then click on gate]
5. Go through gate and enter graveyard. Enter crypt and take
the ROSE
6. Exit the crypt and then exit the graveyard to the right and
enter the forest
7. Keep traveling forward until you reach the small house then enter.
8. Give DOLL to little girl. (She will give you poem)
9. The poem talks about a tree
10. Go back into the forest with the BIG TREE and EXAMINE the
big tree.
11. Give rose to strange head at the base of the tree. [Click on Rose then click on head]
12, The head will open the center fountain in the courtyard (area
outside dining room)
13 Go down secret passage in base of fountain.
14. move through passage until you reach mysterious girl.

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